St. Joseph Parish, Lucinda
St. Mary Parish, Crown
St. Michael Parish, Fryburg
St. Ann Cemetery, Marienville; St. Joseph Cemetery, Lucinda
St. Mary Cemetery, Crown; St. Michael Cemetery, Fryburg
Rules and Regulations: Effective April 1, 2024
Lot/Grave Buyers:
1. The Cemetery is a sacred place and should be treated as such. Lots may be used only for the burial of the human dead.
2. All lots shall not be enclosed with any fence or hedge. Each lot shall be sold at a cost of $400.00. Grave lots for infants and children shall be provided free of cost to any member of the parish who wishes to use such said lot for the burial of any infant or child up to 3 years of age.
3. There shall be no more the two burials per lot. This may be one full body burial and one cremation burial or two cremation burials. Full burial MUST take place first.
4. Interment for caskets and cremains must be in a cave-proof container.
5. Cremated remains may be buried on top of existing graves with permission of next of kin or in new lots after payment of current charges. The fee for a second burial on an existing lot is set at $200.00. Cremated remains will be buried only by designated cemetery personnel at a cost of $ 150.00. There will be a fee of $150.00 for cleanup and reseeding of a grave after a casketed burial.
6. The Pastor or the cemetery board can order the removal of any marker not in keeping with the general appearance of the cemetery.
7. No flowers or shrubbery shall extend more than eighteen (18) inches in front and twenty-four (24) inches wide. Plantings shall be allowed to grow no higher than four (4) feet or more the two (2) feet in diameter. The cemetery board shall have the right to order removal or cause to be removed any shrubs or trees considered dangerous, detrimental or unsightly to the area and its care.
8. No glass jars, glass containers, or tin cans may be used as flower holders. No animal type statues or toys are permitted. All statues must be of religious appearance and must be on the marker foundation or on the top of the marker. Stones or gravel may not be used as mulch. They are dangerous when mowing. Bark and peat moss are permitted. Artificial flowers must be in an unbreakable container. Brick borders are prohibited.
9. Any person trimming or removing shrubbery will remove same from cemetery property. No rubbish of any kind may be left within the confines of the cemetery.
10. Any vehicle not licensed for highway use is not permitted on cemetery property and roads. 11. Artificial flowers or ornaments and stands may not be placed by markers before May 15 and must be removed by October 15.
12. It shall be required that at least a temporary marker, as provided by a funeral director, be placed on each grave at the time of burial.
13. Veteran bronze markers are to be either affixed to the headstone or flush with the ground on a proper foundation.
14. All grading of lots will be done once the ground has settled under the direction of the board. 15. The cemetery board reserves the right to remove from any lots, without notice of the owner, all withered flowers, plants, boxes, cans, shells, toys, wood or iron cases, trellis work, brick, rock, or coping that the board has determined to be hazardous to the ground’s workers.
16. Perpetual care does not include maintaining, repairing or replacing any markers or monuments, plantings or planting or maintaining flowers or shrubs located on the grave site.
17. No transfer or assignment of lots will be valid until the consent of the cemetery has been obtained. 18. No interment or disinterment may take place without first contacting the parish office. No burial may take place without the proper permits and forms required by the state.
Monument Companies:
1. All headstones must be set on a minimum thirty (30) inch deep concrete foundation that contains no organic material.
2. All material removed during the installation of a monument foundation should be removed from the cemetery and discarded at the designated spot in each cemetery.
3. All monuments shall be constructed of either, granite, bronze or marble.
4. No monument, marker or other structure can be placed on a grave not fully paid for. 5. No raised foot markers may be installed on the grave.
6. Foundations must be installed by the company setting the monument or their subcontractors.